
National Simple Taxation System (Simples Nacional)


Did you know that Simples Nacional is an excellent tax option for small and micro businesses? Understanding this simplified tax regime can give your business a competitive edge. Learn more below!

What is Simples Nacional?

Simples Nacional is a simplified tax regime designed to streamline tax payments for micro and small businesses. It consolidates the collection of various federal, state, and municipal taxes into a single payment, reducing bureaucracy and lowering costs for these businesses.

Who is eligible for Simples Nacional?

Businesses with annual revenues of up to R$4.8 million can opt for Simples Nacional. However, it’s important to note that certain activities are excluded from this regime, such as financial institutions, factoring companies, and specific types of service providers.

 How does taxation work under Simples Nacional?

Simples Nacional uses a progressive taxation system, with rates varying according to a business’s revenue and type of activity. These rates are outlined in the regime’s tax tables and cover the following taxes: IRPJ, CSLL, PIS, Cofins, CPP, ICMS, and ISS.

Benefits of Simples Nacional:

  • Simplifies the tax payment process;
  • Reduces the tax burden for small and micro businesses;
  • Consolidates federal, state, and municipal taxes into a single payment;
  • Makes it easier to comply with ancillary obligations.

Limitations of Simples Nacional:

  • Restrictions on the types of activities eligible for the regime;
  • Revenue limits for participation;
  • Progressive rates, which may not be advantageous for businesses with higher revenues.

How to enroll:

Enrollment in Simples Nacional is done through the Simples Nacional portal, managed by the Federal Revenue Service. Companies must register and ensure they meet the requirements for the regime.

Before opting for Simples Nacional, it’s essential to analyze its feasibility for your business, including evaluating the benefits and ensuring compliance with all necessary procedures and fiscal obligations.

If you’d like to learn more about how Simples Nacional can benefit your business or need legal assistance with enrollment and compliance, get in touch with us for more information.


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