
São Paulo City Hall Launches Program for Negotiation of IPTU and ISS Debts until April 30, 2024


The São Paulo City Hall, aiming to optimize fiscal management and reduce the high stock of collection actions, recently announced the implementation of a debt negotiation program for the Urban Building and Land Property Tax (IPTU) and Service Tax (ISS). This measure mainly targets companies in the cultural and tourism sector, which were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Program Negotiation Details:
The municipality published two notices that allow taxpayers to regularize debts registered as active debt, with significant discounts of 65% to 95% on fines and interest. This initiative, encompassing 46 categories of eligible taxpayers, will be open until April 30, 2024.

Focus on Strategic Areas
IPTU: Joining the program is particularly encouraged for properties located in the Historical Center of São Paulo, aiming at the revitalization of this area.

ISS: Companies that pay ISS under the Simple National regime are also included, marking the first time the municipality allows the negotiation of debts under this tax regime. Program Objective The strategy aims to reduce the stock of fiscal executions related to these taxes by 15%. Additionally, it seeks to decrease congestion in the judicial system, requiring participants to waive judicial disputes related to these taxes.

Transaction Terms: The transaction offers the possibility of settling IPTU and ISS debts with discounts of up to 95% on interest, fines, and fees if paid upfront, and 80% if paid in installments. For the Simple National, the discount is 65%. The installment plan can be spread over up to 120 times, with minimum amounts stipulated for individuals and legal entities. Non-compliance or failure to adhere to all eligible credits will result in the cancellation of the agreement.


The São Paulo City Hall’s initiative to negotiate IPTU and ISS debts follows a trend of the federal administration towards efficient fiscal recovery and the slowing of congestion in the judicial system. This approach not only facilitates the regularization of debts for a broad spectrum of taxpayers but also stimulates the revitalization of strategic areas, such as the Historical Center of São Paulo. Moreover, by including categories often excluded from previous programs, such as companies under the Simple National regime, the city hall demonstrates a commitment to current economic needs, especially of small and medium-sized businesses, which account for a significant portion of the country’s employment.


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