The 2nd Panel of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) reaffirmed the constitutionality of the 30% limit for offsetting tax losses from previous years, applicable […]
In December 2022, Law No. 14,478/22 was sanctioned to establish guidelines for the provision of virtual asset services and the regulation of companies that provide […]
On June 19th, the 1st Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) decided, while analyzing REsp 1,971,537, that accumulated payments of interest on equity […]
In the judgment of ADI 5835, 5862, and 499, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled that the collection of the Tax on Services (ISS) should […]
In addition to the broader tax reform, involving taxes on consumption, there is also a discussion about several changes in income tax for individuals and […]
The two tax reform proposals currently being debated in the National Congress, PEC 45/2019 and PEC 110/2019, have controversial points that generate discussions and disagreements […]
In addition to the broader tax reform targeting consumption and income, the government has also presented alternative proposals for payroll tax relief. This involves replacing […]
Tax reform is an important agenda for the economic and social development of the country since the current system is complex, bureaucratic, and unequal. Brazil’s […]
The STJ (Superior Court of Justice) has ruled, by a majority of votes, with four in favor and one against, that the additional charge from […]
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