
The Importance of a Dating Contract in Asset Protection and Defining Affective Relationships


The concept of a dating contract has gained increasing relevance in the Brazilian legal landscape, especially in a context where personal and asset-related relationships are becoming increasingly complex. This article aims to elucidate the importance of this legal instrument and how it can benefit those involved in an affective relationship.

What is a Dating Contract?

A dating contract is a formal agreement between two people who are in a romantic relationship without the intention of forming a common-law marriage or a marriage. This legal instrument serves to clarify that the relationship remains within the scope of dating, avoiding any confusion or legal disputes regarding the assets of each party.

Purpose of the Dating Contract

The main purpose of a dating contract is to differentiate dating from a common-law marriage, as the latter is equated with marriage for legal purposes and may result in the division of assets in the event of dissolution. With the contract, the parties explicitly state that the relationship does not have the characteristics of a common-law marriage, such as cohabitation, the intention to form a family, and mutual economic dependence.

Advantages of a Dating Contract

  1. Asset Protection: One of the biggest advantages of a dating contract is the protection of each party’s assets. Without this instrument, a dating relationship that evolves into a prolonged cohabitation may be interpreted as a common-law marriage, subjecting the assets acquired during the relationship to division.
  2. Legal Clarity: The dating contract provides important legal clarity by documenting the parties’ intention to keep the relationship within the scope of dating. In the event of disputes, this document can serve as proof of the absence of an intention to form a common-law marriage.
  3. Security and Transparency: By formalizing the intentions of the relationship, the dating contract promotes greater transparency between the parties, minimizing uncertainties and providing a secure basis for the development of the relationship.
  4. Prevention of Disputes: By clearly establishing the limits of the romantic relationship, the dating contract helps to prevent future disputes, which can be costly and emotionally exhausting.

How to Draft a Dating Contract

The drafting of a dating contract should be done with the assistance of a lawyer specializing in Family Law. It is important that the document contains clear clauses that establish the nature of the relationship, the intentions of the parties, and the exclusion of any aspects that might characterize a common-law marriage.

Additionally, it is essential that the contract is signed by both parties and, preferably, registered with a notary to provide greater legal security to the document.


The dating contract is a valuable tool for couples who want to protect their assets and maintain clarity about the nature of their relationship. By differentiating dating from a common-law marriage, this contract prevents potential disputes and offers a solid foundation for the healthy and secure development of the romantic relationship.

In a world where personal relationships are increasingly intertwined with asset-related issues, the dating contract emerges as an efficient and necessary solution to ensure peace of mind and legal security for those involved.


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