
Comparative Strategies for Estate Planning: Family Holdings vs. Investment Funds


The structuring of estate and succession planning is essential to ensure the effective management of assets and their smooth transfer between generations. Two strategies often employed to achieve these goals are the establishment of family holdings and the creation of investment funds. Each approach has distinct characteristics, offering advantages and disadvantages that must be carefully evaluated.

Family Holdings

A family holding is a company created with the purpose of managing the assets of a family or an individual. Its main advantage is the centralization of asset management, which can simplify the administration of assets, provide tax savings, and facilitate estate succession. Additionally, holdings offer a legal structure that can provide greater protection of assets against creditors and lawsuits.

Structure and Governance

A family holding allows for the consolidation of asset ownership into a legal entity, facilitating management and control over these assets. This is particularly advantageous for families with diversified wealth, including real estate, business interests, and other types of investments. Through a holding, it is possible to implement corporate and family governance strategies, establishing clear rules for asset management, investment decisions, and profit distribution.

Tax Aspects

In many jurisdictions, family holdings offer significant tax advantages, such as optimized taxation on dividends and the ability to plan the succession of assets more efficiently, minimizing the incidence of inheritance or gift taxes.


The establishment of a holding requires significant initial investment and recurring costs for its maintenance, such as registration fees, attorney and accountant fees, and annual tax obligations. Additionally, the structuring and operation of a holding demand a level of formality and administrative complexity that can be burdensome.

Investment Funds

Investment funds, on the other hand, are collective investment vehicles that allow various investors to contribute resources to a common pool, managed by a professional administrator. In the context of estate and succession planning, investment funds can be structured to meet the specific objectives of a family or individual, providing flexibility in asset management and allocation.

Customization and Flexibility

Investment funds structured for estate purposes can be customized according to specific investment needs and family succession goals. This structure provides flexibility in the choice of assets, allowing allocation in various classes such as equities, fixed income, real estate, and even alternative investments.

Professional Management

One of the main attractions of investment funds is access to professional managers, who can offer asset management based on detailed analyses and sophisticated investment strategies. This specialized management aims to optimize risk-adjusted returns, which can be especially valuable for investors who do not have the time or expertise to actively manage their wealth.

Costs and Liquidity

Despite the advantages, investment funds can have management fees and, in some cases, performance fees, which impact investment returns. Additionally, the liquidity of investments can vary significantly between different types of funds, making it crucial to understand the redemption conditions and how they align with the family’s liquidity needs.


Both the establishment of family holdings and the creation of investment funds are valid and effective estate and succession planning strategies. The choice between one or the other should be guided by a detailed analysis of long-term objectives, family structure, liquidity needs, tax considerations, and the willingness to deal with administrative complexity and associated costs. In many cases, it may be beneficial to combine both strategies, using the holding to manage certain assets and investment funds to diversify and professionalize asset management. It is recommended to consult professionals specialized in estate, tax, and succession planning to design the most suitable structure for the specific needs of each family or individual.


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